
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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Sandra Bullock Joins the Club
Poor Sandra Bullock, I am feeling terrible for her. Here she was sitting high in the saddle enjoying a life that she works so hard for and now this!...
Pellicano Trial: Tappity tap
Tap Tap Tap Tap me, whatever pain or harm a wiretap can bring is nothing compared to the financial rewards that can land in the victims bank...
Welcome to the world, James!
There was a flash of joy within the universe early Thursday morning -- my son Chris and his adorable girlfriend Victoria together brought their new...
Sean Stewart + Chantel Kendall – Jason Kendall = Major League Divorce
Batter up! Well that is what it seemed when I saw two of my friends in court, Peter Lauzon, Esq. and none other than Neil Hersh, Esq. Peter is...
Divorce, Indian-style
(But could just as well be Jewish-style, Persian-style, NBA-style, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon-style.......) Punjabi woman says to her mother:...
Jeffrey Sklan doesn’t waste a beat, even over a bite
Jeffrey Sklan and I had a moment to catch up at lunch the other day. The hook was, I had to sit through a sentencing on a contempt hearing he had...
Happy Birthday No Fault
Happy Birthday "No Fault Divorce," 40 years old and counting. Well, happy for some anyways, certainly not for all. It was 1970 when the California...
Don’t get your keys from Keyes Woodland Hills
Update: I am in contact with Mr. Howard Tenenbaum, VP & COO, Howard called me himself this afternoon and we spoke at length. Obviously, he as an...
Drive Thru Divorce
You may have noticed a new phenomenon lately, the Divorce Franchise business. Oh for sure, there are the clever titles, "Divorce with Dignity and...