
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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Good Eats: Panini on Sunset
Well let it not be said that I am not a man about town. My son Mikee and I were invited to have lunch at a restaurant in West Hollywood called...
Good Eats: Panini on Sunset
Well let it not be said that I am not a man about town. My son Mikee and I were invited to have lunch at a restaurant in West Hollywood called...
Beware of the Looney Tunes Deputy
Enter Department 83 with caution! Judge Rudy Diaz is one of our favorites, he is always pleasant and well-tempered. Well, I walked in to Dept 83 as...
It’s Time to Make Commissioner Gordon a Judge!
Time has really come to go the next step, let's all support the effort to get Commissioner Scott M. Gordon to be appointed JUDGE! Now I know that...
Ex Your Help, Ex-Mrs. Hulk
Reportedly the former Mrs. Hulk is having a few concerns. Duh, you think? Yes Linda, chances are greater than 85 % that your hubby, the former love...
Not happy at home? Go grab a bite, and try not to get robbed!
Many of you have been asking for more thoughts on eating out. First, nothing beats a home-cooked meal, nothing! My pal Marks mom makes everything...
Not happy at home? Go grab a bite, and try not to get robbed!
Many of you have been asking for more thoughts on eating out. First, nothing beats a home-cooked meal, nothing! My pal Marks mom makes everything...
Don’t even think of packing, Debbie!
Debbie Matenopoulos does not want to lose her home, and why should she? Years ago I wrote never surrender the fort. This is her home, come on! And...
Dwayne Wade-ing through the muck
When the Honeymoon is over, girlfriend it is over! Dwayne Wade of the Miami Heat is suing his wife and her two lawyers...for what you ask? An issue...