Mishigas – is that a legal term?

July 22, 2009

Timing is everything in life, it really is, so today I get my driver Octavio and I tell him, “let’s go to court.” Hell, we have been so busy that I have let some of my thoughts get stale and needed some stimulation….and for family law issues I know a great place: Stanley Mosk.

Through the security checkpoint I go where my Cartier belt buckle always sets the alarm off so I get the hand scan. The security at Stanly Mosk is firm but friendly and on I go….I had a fresh squeezed orange juice and coffee on the way over in the back of my limo so I pass up the Starbucks. Up the escalator I go and who do I run into? my good friend Michael Trope of Trope and Decarolis. Michael is looking tanned and rested and he is making an appearance in Maren E. Nelsons courtroom, Dept. 60. All the courts that are open look to be packed, ahh summer weather and divorce heating up, Southern California style.

I stop in Judge Shallers courtroom to hear him tell one of the lawyers, “I don’t believe that.” That folks is as bad as having your speedo pop a seam around a crowded pool. Then I stop by Commissioner Amy Pellmans court, Dept. 65, ho hum and then I hit pay dirt! Judge Donna Fields Goldstein, Dept.63…fans, believe me when I tell you, this lady gets it! Over the last year I have sat in her court numerous times and watched the lawyers try and pull pigs our of their briefs and tell the good judge that it is a rabbit and each time she catches them. There is no “roping” this judge, and you need to be careful, with a smile she will put you in your place as only a Superior Court Judge can… play nice and play smart in her courtroom.

Susan WiesnerWell, Susan E. Wiesner, Lawyer is no shrinking violet believe me, she is smooth and has a delivery that is sharp and calculating. It would appear that Ms. Wiesner had a very restful weekend. Ms. Wiesner was tapdancing all over the place, she reminded me of that Lionel Ritchie song, you know the one where he is dancing on the walls and ceilings! Damn she was fighting for her new client “Mr. Ex,” and she gave it her all. One other very important thing, great hair, her suit was very court appropriate and great shoes, and of course the LV bag! This “officer of the court” had it going on and it was refreshing to see a female lawyer who had it together…you have all heard of my comments on many that aren’t so together, suits, shoes unshined, nasty nails and of course hair…one of those hair comments I think cost me! But it was funny!

This gal, Ms. Wiesner, is together and tough, and she tried and tried and tried and Judge Goldstein sat and listened and sipped her water and smiled, those very special smiles that judges an d cops give when they are being “humored,” and hoping you will just sit down. And she continued to sip her water. Well out of nowhere, Ms. Wiesner states, “all this “mishigas,” this is a hebrew word for “enough already.” Well Judge Goldstein asks, is that a legal term? Now that is a thought, if ever a new legal term should come to light, this word “mishigas” should be a legal term specifically used for DIVORCE. Of course the laughter was immediate and then the tapdance continued. It was the old story, wifee leaves the hubbee and then hubbee gets to try and hire talent to convince the court that he is broke and getting poorer as time goes by. It got so bad in this courtroom I wanted to give the guy a nickel to try and get him a little more financially stable, it was so sad. Poor man may have to sell his Mercedes and buy a Honda or a Toyota

I had never met Ms. Wiesner but not a doubt here folks that this is one lawyer who could be a real pain in the ass for any opposing counsel,this I can tell you. This talent, P.I.A., is a great legal tool at times, but be too big of a P.I.A. and it can make BIG LEGAL BILLS. I have been told that I have the very same talent and all I have to do is show up or just walk into a room. Judge Goldstein complimented Wiesner on her ability to get things filed and to “develop” a file and quick (smile, inside joke). One of Ms. Wiesners comments was funny, speaking of “Ms. Ex,” when it was discussed what she had been doing for the last 5-6 years, Ms. Wiesner states, “she was kicking it,” ha! (I have a feeling that Ms. Wiesner can be very funny…depending on what side of the table you are seated) Instead of looking for gainful employment she was kicking it, another great legal term. You see people you can learn from hanging around the family law courts.

Well along with 2045 filings, 720 Evaluations and Minors Counsel it was not good for Ms. Wiesners client. BUT, he (hubbee) has a good lawyer and she is going to go to bat for him, let’s see how smart he is and if he can see the writing on the wall……there were warning shots fired from the bench and I would say, “all have been warned,” and with a very gracious smile!

Susan E. Wiesner, Lawyer
9113 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90069