
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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Judge Amy Pellman dropkicks the two-step
After seeing Laurel and Hardy on Monday I got away from the craziness that comes with famous dead people and headed for higher ground. Well let me...
Judge Amy Pellman dropkicks the two-step
After seeing Laurel and Hardy on Monday I got away from the craziness that comes with famous dead people and headed for higher ground. Well let me...
Well if it isn’t ol’ Softballs himself, Larry King!
Me and old "Soft Balls," my world is truly getting smaller...I mention Larry King here yesterday...then I go to Dodger Stadium this evening August...
Monday at the Mosk with Klein and Kaplan
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy "Monday Monday," that was one of my favorite songs back so long ago I can...
Arturo Gatti: Mystery in Brazil
When we think of "Rio" and even of Brazil in general, it is thoughts of scantily clad men and women, brown bodies and fun and more brown...
Meghann Bonvie, another Trope and Trope star
There are shining stars all over this city when it comes to world of divorce. One of these is Meghann Bonvie, Lawyer, trust me on this she is hard...
Mishigas – is that a legal term?
Timing is everything in life, it really is, so today I get my driver Octavio and I tell him, "let's go to court." Hell, we have been so busy that I...
Hearing Trouble
DIVORCE.....it is never easy, especially when you have nut jobs and incompetent minions playing interference with the client. We had this issue...
Judge Harvey Silberman indictment
Beverly Hills attorney Jeffrey Sklan and I discussed Judge Harvey Silberman's indictment the other night. Jeffrey, relaxing after a murder trial,...