
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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The List
Here is my list of recommended lawyers who practice family law in Southern California. I believe you will be in good hands if you are represented by...
We could all use a laugh…
Gotta love these! I went to an extremely attractive female doctor today for my annual checkup. She told me that I had to quit masturbating. I asked...
Super Lawyers, meet Asswipes
Once again it's "Super Lawyers" time...folks, this is so embarrassing! Embarrassing from the point that this is PAID PUBLICITY, paid for by the...
Celebrity baby pimping
Baby Pimpin'... who would have ever thought this would be something that we would be talking about? But in this day and age, no real surprise here...
The emotional cost of divorce
Emotions and divorce... I was sitting in Commissioner Scott Gordons court the other day, and sitting before him were two people who at one time...
We have a taker on the J. Michael Kelly Defense Challenge!
...from his own firm! (see here for how this started, and here for more on Ms. Boultinghouse) Dear John, Let it not be said that I cannot deliver...
Danger ahead in Garbageville
Flying anyplace today is tough, go to the airport and get jerked around by some TSA employees who just could never cut it as real cops and now you...
Trabolsi & Levy, a port in the divorce storm
How many of you have heard of Trabolsi & Levy? They are Southern California lawyers with a talent? The "talent," you ask, is what? Avi and Ilene...
Mulberry Street Pizza – My LA Fave
Pizza Pizza Pizza, is there a perfect pizza? Well I have to admit, in California it is hit and miss. That miserable joint on Lankershim that I...