
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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The “Art of Final Arguments”: Joseph Mannis, Esq.
Well, it all comes down to Final Arguments, and not unlike feeling punchy after the 10th round here you go into the 11th and the 12th and you are...
The “Art of Final Arguments”: Joseph Mannis, Esq.
Well, it all comes down to Final Arguments, and not unlike feeling punchy after the 10th round here you go into the 11th and the 12th and you are...
John’s Rate-a-Lawyer: Patrick DeCarolis
Several months ago I made some comments on a lawyer who I thought was brilliant. Well the other half of that team is Patrick DeCarolis of Trope...
John’s Rate-a-Lawyer: Patrick DeCarolis
Several months ago I made some comments on a lawyer who I thought was brilliant. Well the other half of that team is Patrick DeCarolis of Trope...
“He’s alive!” No %$@#, Sherlock
The other night I and my family were sitting down for a fabulous dinner (that I cooked of course) and heard the name "Patrick McDermott." My son...
“He’s alive!” No %$@#, Sherlock
The other night I and my family were sitting down for a fabulous dinner (that I cooked of course) and heard the name "Patrick McDermott." My son...
New Talent Watch: Crystal Boultinghouse
"Go hang out at the courthouse and you might learn something," as I have often said. This is advice that I give to all my readers so as to...
Time for a laugh
A good one from a reader... Dear Wife: I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leavingyou for good. I'vebeen a good man to you for...
Meyer, Olson, Lowy…& Meyers!
Well in the land of Divorce, one of the biggest firms has taken on another partner. Actually, Felicia Meyers has been a partner since July 2007 and...