About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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Ricky Martin “shocker”!
I am a fortunate homosexual man." my dear friend Ricky Martin announced via his website. All I have to say about this Big News is, NO SHIT! I have...
Stephen Kolodny reconsidered
Here's some "big" news to report: I am beginning to like Stephen Kolodny, for a very long time I was not real fond of this legal beagle, and to some...
John on “Extra” tonight
I'm on "Extra" tonight, discussing security. Here's a clip:
The Murder of Mike Yepremyan
19 year old Gombert Yepremyan, a fine young man known to friends and family as "Mike," was brutally murdered over a text message. Mike was a student...
Sandra Bullock Joins the Club
Poor Sandra Bullock, I am feeling terrible for her. Here she was sitting high in the saddle enjoying a life that she works so hard for and now this!...
Pellicano Trial: Tappity tap
Tap Tap Tap Tap me, whatever pain or harm a wiretap can bring is nothing compared to the financial rewards that can land in the victims bank...
Welcome to the world, James!
There was a flash of joy within the universe early Thursday morning -- my son Chris and his adorable girlfriend Victoria together brought their new...
Sean Stewart + Chantel Kendall – Jason Kendall = Major League Divorce
Batter up! Well that is what it seemed when I saw two of my friends in court, Peter Lauzon, Esq. and none other than Neil Hersh, Esq. Peter is...
Divorce, Indian-style
(But could just as well be Jewish-style, Persian-style, NBA-style, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon-style.......) Punjabi woman says to her mother:...