Anna and the Three Stooges, part III

August 10, 2010

Superior Court Judge Robert Perry has said Smith’s cause of death is not an issue in the trial of Stern, Eroshevich and Dr. Sandeep Kapoor. The defendants are not accused of causing Smith’s death.

Anna Nicole SmithWell that makes me wonder, Dr. Perpers previous decisions are they final? Is this bunch totally out of the woods? It would appear that Dr. Perper has big problems coming and fast. How many times can someone fall before they die and it is still considered an accident? I guess if someone keeps falling with or with no help that could be murder. Well except in Florida. Perper was a breath of fresh air to the Three Stooges. He found that there was no foul play, or words to that effect. Now that his sense of reasoning is being questioned could this be a problem for the “magnificent three?”

The rumor has been out for awhile that maybe Florida would look into filing murder charges against Howard K. Stern, and the two docs. My research tells me that it is still a possibility, and have wondered with comments coming from the bench if this is not an omen.

As I stated, due to some excellent legal maneuvers on the part of the defense, the prosecution’s case is in deep trouble. I almost feel and wonder if Ms. Rose may just want to pop some popcorn and throw it around the courtroom like my old friend Rip Taylor (he threw confetti). But the effect would be similar, joy and laughter, comic hilarity…And every time Steve Sadow states, I object, bells, whistles and Ms. Rose would throw popcorn. I am predicting that as this case proceeds there might even be horns and party hats coming out of handbags and briefcases.

The prosecutor objected to Monday’s testimony, saying the defense was trying to implant the impression that everyone around Smith was scheming to get money.

The judge said it was his impression that everyone was scheming, and the defense had the right to attack the credibility of the witness.

Prosecutor Rene Rose used the word Scheming in reference to Mr. Sadows questioning of Da Moester and his “disc with photos.” Howard knew from the start that the disc was stolen and was at his wits end trying to get it back or to stop the usage of it. After all, that was money that should have been going to the estate of Anna Nicole Smith and not to Moe & Taz (I love that name combo). But “Scheming that is a great big word in this case, as it would appear there was much “Scheming,” everyone had an angle and to many the “scheming” continues. Along with false witness, get while the getting is good, be careful what you wish for, show me the money, The Common Good, and one of my favorites, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.

Judge Larry Hyman granted the warrants.
15th Circuit Deputy Solicitor Jimmy Richardson said the five residents are being called in the trial because they were familiar with Smith and her physical condition.
“They were witnesses to the demeanor of Anna Nicole Smith,” Richardson said quoting documents from California officials.
Ford Shelley told Hyman that spending four or five days in California will put a financial hardship on the group because they will be away from their jobs. Shelley also said he told investigators in the case he had no knowledge of Smith’s demeanor.
“We were not a party to any of those things,” Shelley said during Monday’s hearing.

Well whoever would have thought that the distinguished group from South Carolina would not want to make an appearance. Hell in these early days of this “adventure down the hole” were they not every place and telling “their” story? And now Shelley states, we were not a party to any of those things, what next…”what Anna, Anna who?” “Howard Stern, I don’t like his radio show.” Come on, it is all about their fear of getting on that stand and the “Great Sadow” brings to light all of their interesting past life experiences (remember our system gives everyone a chance to attack each other and unless you are just hours out of the womb, all of us have things to hide, some more than others). Hell at this point, I would bet they would be saying “keep that god darn house in the Bahamas.” And give them credit for figuring this out, now they are going to be coming to California. Sure while in South Carolina throwing rocks was fun, shit it was nothing short of a Fn party and now? They will be getting to meet the ultimate get even guy, yup and that will be “The Gentleman from Georgia” Steve Sadow. I will be around for that, I am actually looking forward to it as I am betting that they will be funnier than Da Moester. With Judge Perrys comments from the bench and the shenanigans of the prosecutions witnesses, tell me there is not a place for a good chuckle? Keep it down though, his honor has incredible hearing.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, was this not the group that entered Annas house moments after her death to make sure all of Annas and Howards personal property was safe and sound from “thieves?” And was that not some of the same stuff that went sailing off into the sunset to only reappear in different media outlets. No I am wrong, I am sure that never happened, I need to get some rest, I am weary of all this.

And in closing some of my readers are curious who am I supporting…I do not like anyone in this case (with the exception of one or two). My initial response was that I thought two guys were just trying to do well by a child. This I stated publicly and I do believe that the father of that little girl loves her more than life itself. I also believe that the other male in the picture also loves that child with an equal amount of love. I don’t like any of them, not one and I am sure that feeling is quite mutual and I guess it is my weeks of studying the discovery that confirmed much for me. For sure I had my own thoughts about the “players” and their behavior. The work of the investigators just made the “light” brighter and in time it all made sense. And like all of the rest I too have an agenda, would I consider it “scheming” no I don’t think so. And for any pending lawsuits I understand TRUTH IS A DEFENSE, so as long as you are not lying and have proof, you are good. Then again it could also be more like a poker player, you just never know till someone “calls.”

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