
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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Keyes, I found my keys!
Well there is always a first, a few months back I did a story on the Keyes Woodland Hills, Buick, GMC, Cadillac dealer. And said to avoid the place...
“It was the text message of their lives” – LA Times
From today's front page LA Times Column One: It was the text message of their lives In typical teenage fashion, Mike Yepremyan sent his girlfriend a...
David Lee Rice, estate planning and elder abuse expert
Many of those who are close to me have heard me talk about David Lee Rice, the king of Tax and Estate Planning. Whenever we have any issues or...
La Dolce Vita in Palm Springs
Well as I often do I found myself in Palm Springs and loving it. My good friends Frank and Elaine McClain have a spectacular home here in Palm...
Comments policy on judges
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Ladies are already lining up to be Divorce #9
OH, Warry tell me it is not true...well folks, the "King of Softballs" and the "Sultan of Gas" is going to be up for grabs...Larry King has filed...
Catching up with Lawrence Leone
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The Murder of Mike Yepremyan: Kat’s arraignment
Well, if I was not there on Monday in the courtroom of Judge Karen J. Nudell, Van Nuys Superior court, I would not have believed my eyes. Khatun...
Congratulations to the Honorable Judge Scott Gordon
Several hours ago, Commissioner Scott Gordon was appointed Judge of the Superior Court. To me this was a very long time coming. If ever a man...