
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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The Mating Game
This afternoon I had lunch with some friends and as always the conversation leans towards divorce and my thoughts on the subject...my thoughts on...
Ron Rale back in the ring
With a blink of an eye things can change! My good friend and confidant Ron Rale has been back as a partner with Trope & Trope for quite some...
Exiting the Bull Ride
Well you know each day is just that, another day! Another day in paradise, yes paradise. Every day you can awake and get out of bed is a great day,...
Exiting the Bull Ride
Well you know each day is just that, another day! Another day in paradise, yes paradise. Every day you can awake and get out of bed is a great day,...
Four Oakland Cops Murdered
Today I was shocked to hear of the murder of four Oakland Police Officers. This is an attack on our entire society. Having worked in the bay area...
Four Oakland Cops Murdered
Today I was shocked to hear of the murder of four Oakland Police Officers. This is an attack on our entire society. Having worked in the bay area...
Maple Syrup?
Well we are in a new time and place when it comes to private investigators, and those who operate with no license creating havoc in this state. How...
Did you see that shoe?
You know I am learning, and fast, that not all the calls I get are crazy people's ramblings, and perhaps in the future I will take certain calls...
Pellicano Trial: And you thought “Titanic” was a tearjerker!
Kevin Kachikian turned himself into the Bureau of Prisons yesterday, he and his family are trying to get the financial issues to a level that will...