
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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My interview in Der Spiegel
Recently I was interviewed and photgraphed for the magazine Der Spiegel, which is like the German equivalent of Time or Newsweek. The article, about...
PI Busted for Busting Drunk Cheating Hubbies
Another P.I. goes down in flames, 28 felony counts and $900,000 bail for Christopher Butler. Well, he came up with an old, tried and true method of...

Bowman faces Lauren Freeman’s family and friends
Friday the 25th of February will be a day that the Beverly Hills court house won't forget soon. It was another hearing in Judge Eldon S. Fox court...

“Playing with Fire,” a great unsolved mystery
Several months ago I was made aware of a television story that was being produced for 48 HOURS on CBS. A story that involved a few people that I...

The relentless Gary Fishbein
Gary Fishbein, Lawyer Extraodinaire...I have come to the conclusion that Gary is to the world of divorce what Marty Singer is to the world of...

Checking out the new judge at the Mosk
Well , I have been a little anxious to visit Dept. 65 since my friend, Judge Amy Pellman transferred to "childrens court." Upon entering it did seem...

The Receiver: David J. Pasternak, Esq.
Readers will recall I was impressed by the speed in which Knowles and Collum had a receiver in place: David J. Pasternak , Esq. of Pasternak,...

How many of us have had to deal with associates at these mega law firms? Lots, and we have heard all of the comical and not-so-comical issues...

Probation for Ryan Bowman?? Another LA court system outrage
Don't believe that the criminal justice system is broken? Just visit the criminal courts, well at least the one in Beverly Hills. Ryan Bowman, the...