Minors Counsel v. Private Investigators

John J. Nazarian
March 18, 2011

Here is a thought that I have for the California useless P.I. clubs and organizations: why is it that we have “lawyers” aka MINORS COUNSEL being appointed at a pretty decent per hour rate, $125/hour? If you should be so lucky to be appointed and the parties involved are rich and maybe a little famous the sky is the limit…it is absolutely incredible, you can bill your regular hourly rate. Now if you are one of these high dollar lawyer types do you have any idea what that number can be? And for some children who can barely whisper “goo goo gah gah,” this is the truth here and I am shocked that this has not been mentioned before.

There were two cases last year that were nothing short of spectacular for two divorce lawyers who billed tens of thousands on one and hundreds of thousands on the other. Forget about the CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES involved, some of these minors counsel have a great deal of power. They can make decisions and they get to testify for the minor, LMAO in “their” own words…oh my god! And listening to some of these people is terrifying, to the point that I even can tell that they are gilding the lilly aka making stuff up and certainly enhancing the work product, my opinion.

What you ask is my complaint? Simple, they are acting as investigators 70 percent of the time and not as lawyers. To the point the other day I sat and listened to someone I had to describe as nothing but a wind bag with a Bar card. And I could tell by his answers to the court there was a “quiver.” Sure, that uncomfortable quiver sound I can remember when I would be interviewing an arrestee as he sat and lied to me (back in the old cop days). Oh please do not stop me now, this windbag stated, I have not finished my investigation and when I am finished investigating I will know more. Now here is the other thought that I have: Minors Cousel is nothing but a money grab for most of these people who specialize in representing the children. Much of what I have seen could be and should be handled not by lawyers but by the police or other more appropriate governmental agencies. Or by licensed California Private Investigators, simple! Do they have a purpose? I and many lawyers I have spoken to are not sure and many agree with me that they operate as INVESTIGATORS and are NOT licensed to do so. And INVESTIGATING in an official capacity is a violation of the law in California.

Anyone questioning my clarity on this, all you have to do is go and sit and listen, most of the time they are not acting as lawyers. There is little or no law being dealt with by them, rather jibberish and bullshit with a dam near guarantee to take a big bite out of your financial well being. The other interesting aspect I have seen is when there is a blatant like for one parent or the other and they are supposed to be impartial and to deal with the facts in their INVESTIGATION. I am still sizzling at how about this? These people are speaking for a child that as I have stated that in many cases can’t express themselves. So in making mention of this again, I plan on paying a lot more attention in the weeks and months to come and when I see other MINORS COUNSEL being INVESTIGATORS I will have their names and dates so that you can pull the record and see for yourselves. This group of lawyers are not only flying under the radar of a real lawyer (sometimes), but they are taking money out of the pockets of investigators right under our noses with the blessing of the court.

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