About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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The Ivy: Great as Always
The Ivy restaurant is always a great place to eat, I love a late breakfast or a nice late lunch there...one thing for sure you will never be...
The Ivy: Great as Always
The Ivy restaurant is always a great place to eat, I love a late breakfast or a nice late lunch there...one thing for sure you will never be...
Legal fees can be big…and get paid!
Well, I was wrong again, I was contacted by a former client last night and she was asking what I thought the chances would be of the court making...
Gored in the Wallet at Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse
The economy is in the crapper you say? Well last night I had dinner at Flemings Prime Steakhouse & Winebar in El Segundo and the place was full...
The Mating Game
This afternoon I had lunch with some friends and as always the conversation leans towards divorce and my thoughts on the subject...my thoughts on...
Ron Rale back in the ring
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Exiting the Bull Ride
Well you know each day is just that, another day! Another day in paradise, yes paradise. Every day you can awake and get out of bed is a great day,...
Exiting the Bull Ride
Well you know each day is just that, another day! Another day in paradise, yes paradise. Every day you can awake and get out of bed is a great day,...
Four Oakland Cops Murdered
Today I was shocked to hear of the murder of four Oakland Police Officers. This is an attack on our entire society. Having worked in the bay area...