Poor Judgment, Commissioner

September 22, 2009

Alright, here are few details: “Heres Daddy,” he is 23, we will call him “Guncile” and we have also have a Mommy, we will call her “Genie.” Guncile and Genie have a 8.5 month old little girl, fragile right? These two lived for several months in the Beverly Hills area and in the course of “living together” it had all the outward appearances of a reality show that went bad…terribly, awfully, really bad. Now, Mommys biggest mistake was not to call the police when Guncile would act the fool, you know, punching holes in walls, breaking the mirrored sliding doors to the closet and crushing Genies laptop and screaming. All when under the influence of alcohol…when Guncile is sober he is a relatively delightful little human, but underneath, he would appear to be an immature little jerk who cannot handle alcohol, never mind “scotch and beer.”

Guncile, who proclaims he has no problem with alcohol. was arrested for drunk driving (recently), he wrote of going to visit a “relative” who had died, and placed that note on the windshield to assure that Genie was going to see it…most would consider this utterance a suicide note. He cut his wrist, and got so drunk that while attempting to get into a friend’s apartment he fell to the pavement and was in ICU for a few days, on this occasion Dipshit was beyond drunk and almost killed himself (we have the medical reports, the DUI reports, and photos of the cutting of the wrist, and of the damage in the former love nest). He also carved the little girl’s name into his arm with a knife! Is that not just sweet? This young man has issues and one day they will surface and god help those that may be in his path…Our Commissioner is not understanding any of this, his term is, Situational, that being this is behavior that is demonstrated while the two love birds were together. This sounds like one of those “pay a bunch a money and go to a convention and learn” words that will make one look brighter and give little assholes excuses for bad behavior. Also keep in mind much of this nasty behavior was prior to the love birds wrecking their “Love Shack.”

Sure, you have guessed it, Guncile denies ever doing any of this and it is “she,” Genie who did much of this! Well, a little review, Genie was not arrested for DUI, Genie did not almost fall to her death while so stinkin drunk, Genie did not cut her wrist, Genie attends USC and works part time. (Funny thought just came to me, too bad this commissioner is not in the criminal courts, there would be no one in jail as is this SITUATIONAL issue would be perfect to keep our jails empty!) Oh for sure this lawyer is earning his keep this day, what I thought was incredible was that the lawyers were not falling down laughing! Yes, laughing at how out of touch this commissioner was, OMG. A big deal? Not necessarily in the world of divorce or in this case child custody. Now for the trophy, Genie and Guncile have parents who are in battle for the sweet little infant. One wants the little girl to be safe, (wrong court people), the other wants their granddaughter to be closer to them in the mountains above Tahoe. Guncile, burps up, “I will take care of her, I will do whatever I have to”… “I will move back to the Los Angeles area and I will take care of my daughter” via his mouthpiece. OK, that means, get an apartment and get a job…Oh I almost forgot, guess what Guncile does for work in the mountains: he is a part time BARTENDER…get me a drink and quick! Then somehow it goes into, well, “my brother has a girlfriend, who has a mother, who has a house in Glendale and I can take the portable crib.” Well how about this? NO ONE, NOT THE JUDGE, NOT EITHER LAWYER, THE GRANDPARENTS OR THE MOTHER (GENIE) KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE WHERE THIS Superior Court Commissioner IS APPROVING THE CHILD BE KEPT, for 12 hours twice a week!!!!!!

What happend to “I am going to take care of my daughter?” Bullshit, Guncile is conning the court and is going to find a third party to give him shelter and it is again a place that no one at all knows anything about! And this commissioner issued orders in support of such a plan. Guncile is as immature as they come, he drinks for his courage, he is a part time bartender, he has no car (DUI)…go get insurance with that hanging around your neck…and has no way to provide for this infant, and the court went along with much of this Tom Foolery! This sounds nuts, but it is the truth. And before I forget, have you ever seen the guy who shows up wearing a suit that you can tell is either not his or so ill-fitting that you wonder what was he thinking when he put it on? Well Guncile shows up, sure, “look I am wearing a suit,” hmm the pockets were big enough that he could hold a 32 ounce in one pocket and a pint of scotch in the other…good job for whoever thought of the suit, but the haircut did not match, ya almost had it, but you missed the target. He still looked like a little jerk in an ill-fitting suit (Old Cop thinking).

I have never seen such a mockery of the family law courts in all of my years of working and investigating and writing on this very subject. I was wondering would this bench officer ever send one of HIS infants to live for 12 hours a day without knowing Who are these people, is the place clean, do they have dogs, cats, a pool? None of this was even addressed, as Mr. Commissioner was having none of it.

Oh but wait, initially this legal beagle was going to give Guncile OVERNIGHTS with the infant of several months, Genies lawyer was up against a wall of ignorance. And how about this, there was not even a psychologist or a therapist to do an evaluation. Genies lawyer asked that he at least hold off on that till a mental health professional could look at Guncile…the comments this commissioner was making in chambers (heard second hand) and on the bench were some of the worst decisions/thoughts of any commissioner sitting in any divorce court that I have ever heard. You will seldom find us at DESPERATEEXES.COM not supporting a commissioner or a judge, but this is just off the board of taking care of a little baby girl.

****Mr. Commissioner, I am not going to use your name at this time. Your wanting for this child to bond with “Daddy” is a fine idea, however, you need to make sure that the person you are handing this child off to is what he says he is…the evidence presented to you in your courtroom showed vividly that he is not and will not be that person, not in the near future (advice from an old street cop). You made some major blunders this morning and this afternoon…neither of these two youngsters are without fault, but one certainly stands much stronger when the facts are read and you apparently either did not read, or ignored, the facts that were presented to you.

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