
About John J. Nazarian
John J. Nazarian, with a diverse background as a police officer, prison guard, and undertaker, has risen to become a highly respected private investigator…
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Catching up at “The Mosk” and the new LAPD HQ
Ask anyone over 55 years old as to how fast time moves and they will tell you it seems to accelerate with every birthday. They come ( birthdays )...

Stop the presses – a civilized Hollywood Divorce!
After a very long vacation from the Stanley Mosk, I returned to my favorite stomping grounds and who do I run into but a face and a name from the...

Mandalay Bay VIP? Not Very!
VIP? Bullshit, if you visit the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas I need to warn you, it may not be what you think. Especially if they ask you to...

A couple Hollywood Insiders chew some tasty fat
Seldom do I ever get a chance to just unwind and relax and think of nothing but the food I am eating and how good it is. Well, I got together at...

Judge Lewis is happy to keep realtors busy
Well from Judge Marmaros court, Dept. 83, I strolled into one of my favorite courtrooms, that of Judge Thomas Trent Lewis, Department 79. Judge...
Minors Counsel v. Private Investigators
Here is a thought that I have for the California useless P.I. clubs and organizations: why is it that we have "lawyers" aka MINORS COUNSEL being...
Judge Marmaro’s in the Mosk
Once again I began my week at the Stanley Mosk and another morning of divorce marathons, and I was not disappointed. My first stop was Judge Marc...

Ryan Bowman, You’ve Been Served!
Lauren Freeman's parents, Steve and Donna Freeman, have retained the services of a local law firm to sue Ryan Bowman. I was asked to serve court...
Friday Was Judgment Day for Ryan Bowman
You'll recall at the last hearing there was a large supportive crowd, a showing of friends and relatives of Lauren Ann Freeman that made quite an...