by uismaeanx | Mar 22, 2009 | Uncategorized
Today I was shocked to hear of the murder of four Oakland Police Officers. This is an attack on our entire society. Having worked in the bay area for a number of years this horrible event hits me to the core. In the old days we spent many hours working leads in...
by uismaeanx | Mar 21, 2009 | Uncategorized
Well we are in a new time and place when it comes to private investigators, and those who operate with no license creating havoc in this state. How many times does a P.I. meet with a new potential client and hear “I want to know this” or “I want to...
by uismaeanx | Mar 18, 2009 | Uncategorized
You know I am learning, and fast, that not all the calls I get are crazy people’s ramblings, and perhaps in the future I will take certain calls more seriously. Ever heard the expression “when will the other shoe drop?”…funny right? Yeah, well...
by uismaeanx | Mar 17, 2009 | Uncategorized
Kevin Kachikian turned himself into the Bureau of Prisons yesterday, he and his family are trying to get the financial issues to a level that will satisfy Judge Fischer. Till that is met he has turned himself in as he promised to. This again is a terrible thing for...
by uismaeanx | Mar 15, 2009 | Divorce
Not often do I get to see “Titans of Divorce” going at it, but today I was fortunate to have been given a tip that Sherri Shepherd and her former husband, Jeff Tarpley would be putting the final icing on the “I am so through with you” cake....