Dial 818-Masala for Great Indian Food

Deciding to go out for Indian cuisine the other night, my two boys and I chose a spot new to us and fairly new to the neighborhood, 818-Masala located in North Hollywood. You will remember the horrible food and experience at Curry Land (aka Da Shits!)…so I was a...

Dial 818-Masala for Great Indian Food

Deciding to go out for Indian cuisine the other night, my two boys and I chose a spot new to us and fairly new to the neighborhood, 818-Masala located in North Hollywood. You will remember the horrible food and experience at Curry Land (aka Da Shits!)…so I was a...

The Mating Game

This afternoon I had lunch with some friends and as always the conversation leans towards divorce and my thoughts on the subject…my thoughts on relationships are a little edgy, ya think? Even when a marriage or relationship works there is some fantasy present....

Ron Rale back in the ring

With a blink of an eye things can change! My good friend and confidant Ron Rale has been back as a partner with Trope & Trope for quite some time. Ron had taken some time off in 2008…and returned in 2008, and his presence was missed. As I reported back a...

Exiting the Bull Ride

Well you know each day is just that, another day! Another day in paradise, yes paradise. Every day you can awake and get out of bed is a great day, as the alternative is not so much…the common denominator for all of us being dead, aka “The Dirt Nap.”...