More Musings from the Mosk

Yes, that was me roaming around “the Mosk” early the other morning…even a reporter from TMZ asked was I working? I am always working was the only response to a question like that, it always help to keep them wondering. As I walked down the hallway on...

Judge Amy Pellman dropkicks the two-step

After seeing Laurel and Hardy on Monday I got away from the craziness that comes with famous dead people and headed for higher ground. Well let me tell you, I stopped by the Honorable Amy Pellman, Judge, department 65. Action for me is judges being just that —...

Judge Amy Pellman dropkicks the two-step

After seeing Laurel and Hardy on Monday I got away from the craziness that comes with famous dead people and headed for higher ground. Well let me tell you, I stopped by the Honorable Amy Pellman, Judge, department 65. Action for me is judges being just that —...

Meghann Bonvie, another Trope and Trope star

There are shining stars all over this city when it comes to world of divorce. One of these is Meghann Bonvie, Lawyer, trust me on this she is hard to miss. She will be the one with a great smile and always looking the part of a successful attorney. Many up and coming...

Mishigas – is that a legal term?

Timing is everything in life, it really is, so today I get my driver Octavio and I tell him, “let’s go to court.” Hell, we have been so busy that I have let some of my thoughts get stale and needed some stimulation….and for family law issues I...

Hearing Trouble

DIVORCE… is never easy, especially when you have nut jobs and incompetent minions playing interference with the client. We had this issue recently and I heard a funny comment the other day by a well-placed divorce lawyer: “EXCEPT FOR THE CLIENTS THIS...