Mishigas – is that a legal term?

Timing is everything in life, it really is, so today I get my driver Octavio and I tell him, “let’s go to court.” Hell, we have been so busy that I have let some of my thoughts get stale and needed some stimulation….and for family law issues I...

Judge Harvey Silberman indictment

Beverly Hills attorney Jeffrey Sklan and I discussed Judge Harvey Silberman’s indictment the other night. Jeffrey, relaxing after a murder trial, had strong feelings about the accusations. We have known each other for years, and it was the only conversation we...

The Dirtiest Card in the Divorce Game

Every story or complaint usually has two sides, right? and when only one side is listened to things can go horribly wrong. This is the case of a former client of mine, let’s for this story call him “Mr. Unfortunate,” this is a good name for him as it...

The Perfect Husband

  From a reader: Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A cell phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker- function and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stops to listen. MAN: “Hello” WOMAN: “Honey,...

Catching up on a busy week

What a week, I had a great lunch yesterday with divorce lawyer to the stars and beyond Ron Rale, Esq. It was fun to see Ron outside the legal arena and not sitting in his German Meat Grinder aka Da Porsche.(Ron was Anna Nicole Smith’s attorney for many years)....