by uismaeanx | May 17, 2010 | In the news
Every day I read several newspapers and magazines and find stories and articles that make me wonder. Today I found a sad little piece about a man named Wilferd Kallhoff who happens to be 78 years old and his pet. Joker is a potbellied pig that weighs 200 pounds and...
by uismaeanx | May 6, 2010 | In the news
From today’s front page LA Times Column One: It was the text message of their lives In typical teenage fashion, Mike Yepremyan sent his girlfriend a text insulting one of her friends. No one realized it would leave two families and a circle of friends...
by uismaeanx | Apr 14, 2010 | Divorce, In the news
OH, Warry tell me it is not true…well folks, the “King of Softballs” and the “Sultan of Gas” is going to be up for grabs…Larry King has filed for divorce from his gorgeous much younger wife. He is stumbling into DIVORCE...
by uismaeanx | Apr 13, 2010 | In the news
Well, if I was not there on Monday in the courtroom of Judge Karen J. Nudell, Van Nuys Superior court, I would not have believed my eyes. Khatun Vardanian was not held for murder the murder of Mike Yepremyan, the charge went back to “conspiracy to commit...
by uismaeanx | Apr 6, 2010 | Divorce, In the news
“Till death do us part.” Judge Amy Pellman made sure that it will be just that for Dennis Hopper and his estranged wife, Victoria Duffy Hopper. Dennis Hopper recently received his star on the Walk of Fame. Note: Unknown to most, but it is the star or...