Beware of plumbers who smell nice…

Beware of plumbers who smell nice…

Once again for whatever reason we are getting called in to verify what some idiot with a P.I. license did, and that is a “sweep.” This is when someone thinks that their home or auto has been tampered with and there is a tracking device or some device in...
Thank You, Veterans

Thank You, Veterans

Received this in honor of Veterans Day, wonderful stuff. THE FINAL INSPECTION The Soldier stood and faced God, Which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shining, Just as brightly as his brass.. ‘Step forward now, Soldier , How shall I deal with...
Divorce, Business As Usual At Stanley Mosk

Divorce, Business As Usual At Stanley Mosk

Between my travels to New York and Mexico, I decided to visit my old stomping grounds, The Stanley Mosk Courthouse. Who do I see upon my arrival on the 8th floor but two of the major partners of Meyer, Olson, Lowy and Meyers, Lisa Helfend Meyer and Felicia Meyers....

The Verdicts Are In – Trick or Treat!

Numerous people have asked if I had a comment or thought on “the verdicts.” That afternoon I was on my way to New York for an assignment with one of my sons. I had the driver put the limos radio on the local news and heard the verdicts. Funny, the day...