Desperate Exes Testimonial: Jose Eber

Jose Eber, hairdresser to the stars: “When I first met John he came across as unapproachable. But after getting to know him, I found hes as soft as a down pillow. He is totally dedicated to his work, and in a class all by himself. He has always been there for...

Shaved Nuts

There is no question in anyone’s mind that had I not been a cop, I would have been a chef…..yes folks, I would have had a great place for eats! I still fantasize about parking my Rolls in front of my Pizza Jointyou know, BIG pizza just like when I was a...

Desperate Exes rates lawyers and judges

These evaluations will come from my personal interviews, as well as feedback from you, my readers, and those in the throws of this dog and pony show! I am planning on evaluating the judges in family courts, too. And even the private judges: talk about an interesting...