by John J. Nazarian | Mar 13, 2008 | Uncategorized
The other day it was reavealed that Mr. Pellicano the “Rampaging Pelican” would require all of his employees to come into his office and give him a “hug and a kiss” prior to leaving for the day…Sweet is it not? I am so very happy that I...
by John J. Nazarian | Mar 12, 2008 | Uncategorized
And here comes Tarita Virtue, former employee of the Pellicano Investigative Agency, Ltd and now a “Star Witness!” Yes it would appear that she has been wanting to be a star for a very long time. I knew we were in trouble when asked to spell her name she...
by John J. Nazarian | Mar 12, 2008 | Uncategorized
Well, today had to be a tough day for the “star witness”…more on that later! During the show and tell segment we got to see names like Prince, Mike Myers and others…the prosecution puts it up and then takes it down quick so you gotta be fast....
by John J. Nazarian | Mar 11, 2008 | Uncategorized
Just by luck I may have found some new talent. I was present when Sarah K. Thomas, lawyer, was in the throws of battle with what I guess one would call an “Oaf,” and he was big, so I guess “Big Oaf” would be appropriate here! Sarah is a...
by John J. Nazarian | Mar 11, 2008 | Uncategorized
Trope and DeCarolis, LLP…Now this is what you call small but powerful, these two dynamic attorneys will get you to a port in a storm, this I promise you! Michael L. Trope is brilliant and to see if I am correct on this one meet with him, pay whatever he wants to...