Restraining Orders: Fact and Fantasy

Bulletin: a “Restraining Order” will not protect you, and in some cases it may well cause the earth beneath your feet to become singed! First, a little background on cops and domestic disputes. As a former police officer, I can attest that every cop knows...

John’s Rate-a-Lawyer: Doreen Marie Olson

Doreen Marie Olson, Esquire is one of the founding partners of Meyer, Olson, and Lowy LLP. I have know Doreen for more than 10 years. She is a force to be dealt with in court and when negotiating. She has a no nonsense attitude about her and that comes with being...

Mark Arneson the Sequel: Dumb and Dumberer

Can this trial get any more insulting? First I pay $8.00 to park my car on Tuesday the 15th of April only to have Chad Hummel stand up and start what was a brilliant attempt to take a shot at a mistrial! Chad has a presence and even as Judge Fischer was trying to shut...