All hail the honorable Judge Scott Gordon

Wondering why it took so long for “The Commish” to become “The Judge,” this was a question too many people wondered. Stop wondering and thank you Governor Schwarzenegger for doing what will be one of your term’s highlights, the...

Addicted to the juice

Admittedly, the drugs that I have received during my visits to hospitals for procedures are just fabulous, just nothing less than wonderful! From the moment they shoot it into my IV and and into the vein, I get the “feeling” all I can say is wonderful. It...

Jokers and potbellied pigs in the news

Every day I read several newspapers and magazines and find stories and articles that make me wonder. Today I found a sad little piece about a man named Wilferd Kallhoff who happens to be 78 years old and his pet. Joker is a potbellied pig that weighs 200 pounds and...

LAPD and DA grant open season to stalkers

Breaking NewsIf you are a private person or a security person or private investigator or for that matter a criminal, have no fear about placing a tracking device on a private vehicle! This is great news for all the sleuths who thought it was illegal, well, kinda...