La Dolce Vita in Palm Springs

Well as I often do I found myself in Palm Springs and loving it. My good friends Frank and Elaine McClain have a spectacular home here in Palm Springs and it is one of the nicest I have been in. The place is just perfect! I have helped Frank just a little I am sure...

Comments policy on judges

We at often receive negative and brutal comments on the judges and commissioners of the Los Angeles Superior Court. It goes with the territory, at least one party in family law cases is often going to feel they lost, and they take it out on the...

Catching up with Lawrence Leone

What is a day without the sound of Lawrence Leones voice, well I was very pleased to have had a great conversation with the famous Mr. Leone this morning. Lawrence has a style and presence that is let’s just say “unique,” ask any divorce lawyer in...

The Murder of Mike Yepremyan: Kat’s arraignment

Well, if I was not there on Monday in the courtroom of Judge Karen J. Nudell, Van Nuys Superior court, I would not have believed my eyes. Khatun Vardanian was not held for murder the murder of Mike Yepremyan, the charge went back to “conspiracy to commit...