Why there are no ads here

Someone that I have a great deal or respect for, Steven Mikulan, staff writer for the amazing L.A. Weekly asked why DesperateExes.com does not sell advertising. Steven said that when he goes to most blogs and sees no advertisers he moves on quickly…not mine...

56th Annual Criminal Courts Bar Association Dinner

The Petersen Automotive Museum on Wilshire Boulevard was the place to be the other evening! My good friends Harland and Adam Braun invited me to attend the 56th Annual Criminal Courts Bar Association’s installation dinner. There are two places I love when it...

Pellicano Trial: The Final Sentence

Well it’s off to the Federal Court House as this is the day that Mr. Kevin Kachikian gets his ass handed to him….so I thought. Again I was correct, there were no U.S.Marshals sitting in the courtroom waiting and it was then I realized that he was not going...