Pellicano Trial, the Sequel: Terry Christensen

July 29, 2008

Terry Christensen & Anthony PellicanoThe Pellicano Trial, the Sequel picks up with the case against Terry Christensen, high-powered Hollywood attorney and the ONLY ONE of many Pellicano attorney-clients to be indicted (for allegedly paying the Pelican 100,000 sardines to wiretap Lisa Kerkorian, ex of his billionaire client Kirk Kerkorian). My very good friend Robert Iafolla, a reporter and writer for the Daily Journal, has been kind enough to keep me in the mix as to the goings-on in and around Judge Dale S. Fischers courtroom until I can get back there myself. And it is a just a little smaller version of the circus of the stars that entertained us when Anthony Pellicano and his cronies went down like Chinatown!

The Feds witness list is under tight wraps. Hmmm, could the “old rich guy” be coming to testify, or the “younger rich guy”…Bada Bing? Or will it be Ms. “I need 323 Gs a month to live right”…girlfriend, I agree with you! And as is very evident from reading Mr. Iafollas stories, Judge Fischer is not taking any BS from this high profile billing machine AKA Christensen, Glaser,Fink Jacobs,Weil & Shapiro…Hmmm, has anyone spoken to Phil Specter as to how his refund is coming?

Patty Glaser - Scarlett OHara, or Leona Helmsley?Patricia Glaser is one very talented lawyer — so talented that she has never handled a criminal defense case and now she is defending her firm’s “holy father” himself, Terry! I have to say that I have spoken to Terry and I liked him, and was amused hearing him on tape ask the Pelican, “are you yelling at me?” He is someone that powerful people trusted and I bet still do! Patricias comment to the jury about her “Southern accent,” cute, is she trying that bullshit “Southern Belle” routine? LMAO…she has brought both honey and vinegar to the courtroom with her…old, sour vinegar. That “Southern” thing is hilarious for those of us who have seen Ms. Glaser at work! Hmm, when I see Glaser in the courtroom, I see Leona Helmsley (I liked Leona and respected her)…anyone else?!

Another thought comes to mind, I have not spoken to one attorney to date that had anything nice to say about Ms. Glaser…I mean terrible things, hell she is a lawyer and I am sure could care less! She is. however, fighting for her firm’s life, what is left of it.

And to add to the courtroom antics we have Robert Shapiro, always dressed well, and of course tanned! What can we say about Robert Shapiro…I remember once when I was desperate I attempted to get work from him. He sent me a nice letter telling me that they had “in house” investigators…LMAO Ill say! All the way in the house! The comb-over is gone and he does look great…just ask him!

The whole gang from the “Slaughter of the Pelican” are coming back, lovely Tarita Virtue, the experts, Lily LeMasters and of course record mogul Robert Pfeifer (tiny tears). Robert Iafolla reports that Pfeifer stated, It seemed to me I was just hustled NO SHIT STUPID! The Pelican read you like a comic book, knew you like hookers and felt that he could F@#& you too…damn this guy has got to be one of the dumbest rich guys around! I almost wish that he had stumbled into my office!

There are 34 taped conversations with Terry and the Pelican and Anthony sits there like a dunce…folks this is all a part of the plan…the defense is going to pull all the feathers off the Pelican and then make him do the chicken dance, and he will dance and dance until they tell him to stop…this is the Sicilian way to save face after what he has done to Christensen…the Pelican is going to eat rotten fish and like it!

Judge Fischer has made it clear to the defense that she is on to their games and will not play it. When it was reported that “all the names were in Pellicanos address book” the good judge commented that for now she would overlook it…however we will see…this has to be on Ms. Glasers mind…and for that “soft shoe horse shit” that the defense was going to pull on the court, she has made her thoughts very clear on that also.

Then here comes Stephen A. Kolodny, Lisa Bonder Kerkorians attorney who she was not all that thrilled with and did at one point seek other counsel….enter Lisa Helfend Meyer, Esquire, founder of Meyer, Olson and Lowy of Century City…….that would have been my suggestion…Oooops I almost forgot, it was my suggestion! Stephen, like Shapiro. is a great guy, just ask him! We can all assume one thing for sure here folks: you won’t find Dennis M. Wasser, Terry Christensen and Steven A. Kolodny sitting on the veranda sipping mint juleps being served by Ms. Glaser in a big “Poofy Dress” being very demure…LMAO!

Patricia Glaser, Esquire tells the jury in her opening to Listen for the con…this whole defense is a con. Terry and others made a huge mistake and he is the one being offered for sacrifice. Is it fair? No way. Is it happening? You Betcha…but Listen for the con!