May I approach the Bench about the bench?

July 29, 2008

ouchNo wonder I am becoming a little cranky, I roam from court to court and the benches are not meant for comfort….why is that? The judges look comfortable, and the bailiff with his or her coffee looks very comfortable, and the court staff all look very content on their cushions. The court reporter always looks a little concerned and on the edge ,as she should — she has to keep track of all this bullshit flying around from oneside to the other! But would a nice cushion on the benches be that big a deal? Oh sure, in the criminal courts they have cushions where the cops have to sit and wait — seems strange as they seem to have big butts and loads of padding, and they get cushions?

The other thing I am noticing is that no one speaks English, you know the official language of America! It would appear that the Spanish speaking populace is unloading the husbands as fast as let’s just say traditional America. However, they need translators! Go to Mexico, Costa Rica, or any other latin American country and see how fast you get an English translator in court! I better not go there, I will only get in trouble…we all gotta to be politically correct here. BUT get in trouble in one of these countries and see how fast you get help! I could not even get money out of a bank machine in Mexico…why you ask? It was in Spanish, the language of the country I was in…Hmmmm makes sense!!

Another thing I notice is lawyers and thier clients who are not prepared for the day’s business! Commissioner Scott Gordon and Judge Shaller just push them aside and move right on. But does this not cost the client a few pesos? Ooops…dollars! Commish Gordon was on top of his game this morning when the “impoverished” husband tried to get the good Commish to believe that it cost him $2100 a month for a 2006 BMW 650! LMAO, Gordon gave him that “you are sooooo foolish” look that makes one wonder if hubby’s trouser were damp when he arrived or did he just piss himself…did his lawyer not know what stupid was going to try and feed the court? LOL, Court was not hungry this morning.

NOW HEAR THIS: don’t try and bullshit Gordon…it won’t work!