by John J. Nazarian | Mar 13, 2011 | In the news
You’ll recall at the last hearing there was a large supportive crowd, a showing of friends and relatives of Lauren Ann Freeman that made quite an impression on the court. My feeling is that the world, so to speak, was watching what was going to be done to Ryan...
by John J. Nazarian | Mar 10, 2011 | In the news
Recently I was interviewed and photgraphed for the magazine Der Spiegel, which is like the German equivalent of Time or Newsweek. The article, about Pellicano and Hollywood paranoia, just came out in their English-language online version: Bugging Scandal Reveals...
by John J. Nazarian | Mar 7, 2011 | Divorce, In the news
Another P.I. goes down in flames, 28 felony counts and $900,000 bail for Christopher Butler. Well, he came up with an old, tried and true method of setting up wayward males. Males that were in the throes of a divorce with former honeys who wanted them to be made to...
by John J. Nazarian | Feb 28, 2011 | In the news
Friday the 25th of February will be a day that the Beverly Hills court house won’t forget soon. It was another hearing in Judge Eldon S. Fox court to see what “the system” was going to do with Ryan Bowman, the accused hit and run killer of Lauren Ann...
by John J. Nazarian | Feb 22, 2011 | In the news
Several months ago I was made aware of a television story that was being produced for 48 HOURS on CBS. A story that involved a few people that I knew. The piece finally made it to the air on February 19 and was titled “48 Hours Mystery: Playing with Fire.”...