“Hello, I was wondering where’s my other $100,000? Hello?”

John J. Nazarian
March 21, 2008

Laura Buddine was called to testify this afternoon, she has a background in computer games and off it goes from there! In the course of her work she and a Dr. Charles Lull made friends and got caught up in cyber/computer BS! And like all good relationships, The Buddine ends hating the Doctor and the Doctor ends up hating the Buddine! Simple right? Wrong!

The doctor somehow finds the Pelican…I am sure it was a referral from one of his lawyer-clients…and one thing leads to another and the “good doc” sends Anthony $25,000.00. Pretty soon we all see another check that the prosecution is entering into evidence for $100,000.00, I am not making this up — just telling you what I heard and I think I saw!

The next thing you know, we are hearing a tape of Pellicano talking to his Doctor friend on a recorded call! By now you know Anthony was very fond of recording everyone. He starts out with “how are you, blah, blah , blah and blaaaaah.” And then says, “I was waiting for my check”…silence! The doc asks, What check?” and Anthony says, “the other $100,000.00!”…the next sound I thought I heard was the Doc doing CPR on himself! He argues with Anthony that he does not owe another 100g’s…and you know what, he is right! Pellicano is trying to screw this guy into thinking he owes him another 100 grand when he does not. Pellicano tells him that he is making this woman (Ms. Buddine) “miserable,” and that her life is a mess and he is working her over, and “she has no idea were all this is coming from,” and on and on! The doc starts in again about not owing another 100gs and Anthony tells him that he believes him, and that he will finish the job for the $125,000.00 he already has, and all will be OK. Anthony Pellicano then tells the Ol’ Doc that he should record his calls so as to have a record of the agreement that he did not have for the other hundred g’s! This was 100% scam and I wonder if the Doc ever figured it out, but as my uncle Aram always said, “It don’t hurt to ask!” Dr. Charles Lull is on the witness list, that should be “laugh my ass off as I roll on the floor” funny!