Pellicano Trial: Brad Grey Laces Up

John J. Nazarian
March 20, 2008

The court will not be in session on Friday the 21st and Monday the 24th. Everyone needs a break and I do mean everyone. It will give Anthony Pellicano a chance to get back his “soft-spoken” persona, as the “old asshole” Tony is leaking through his act.

But there was plenty happening today! One of the first out of the box this morning was a young man who happened to be an attorney. Always fun to watch lawyers snap at each other’s heels! Gregory Dovel, Esquire is the attorney for Bo Zenga. One funny line of questioning was when it was revealed that Mr. Zenga had lied about his so-called credentials. He wrote on an application of some sort that he was a “winner” in a movie script contest! LMAO, this was the scam contest he set up, ripping writer-entrants off for $17,000.00 and also then declaring himself the winner! How cool, you screw people out of their money and then you win the contest and then you list that achievement on your resume! Only in Hollywood! Anyway, Mr. Dovel held his own with with Chad Hummel chewing on his throat, after all he is representing the Sarge, aka “Whaddaya need Tony?” Of all of these people, Arneson is one of the worst, he had no mercy on any of the people he sold to Tony P. Mr. Hummel and Mr. Dovel discussed the finer aspects of attorney-client privilege and that was silly! Many of these lawyers had their calls and those of their clients TAPPED! Mr. Dovel was a little shocked, and as he stated, “it was chilling” and “it was disturbing”. Pellicano, thinking he was being cute, asked Mr. Dovel to “give us an example!” — what a jerk! He is always taking a great deal of joy in the work he did, it is becoming very obvious in the way he smirks and gloats!

SkatingLittle Mr. Brad Grey showed up today and was as slick as bull sperm! Yes, if you will close your eyes and picture a winter scene…the pond is all frozen and it is just twilight, and here comes a lone skater, long strokes, the sharp blade slicing through the smooth as glass ice…and the skater! In this case he is very confident, and not one mistake will be made this morning as he jumps and skates smoothly out of sight! That my friends was Mr. Grey, smooth — not as smooth as he could be with his comments, but he was sure of two things. First is that whenever he was asked about “you” the response was “we” — he was very sure that his lawyers at Greenberg, Glusker, Fields did it all: they suggested Pellicano and they paid Mr. Pellicano and Grey’s accounting departments paid the lawyers. Nice, a full step away! “The attorneys took care of everything,” so smooth that it almost hurt. “I left that to the law firm.” His recollection of Garry Shandling was much less heartfelt than that of Mr. Shandling. All I can say is that he is a strange little man! He also told the court that he was very comfortable with Anthony Pellicano…I wonder how he felt now? And guess what, the Pelican did not want to cross examine Mr. Grey! Why would he? It was becoming very obvious that many people to date do not hold Mr. Grey in very high esteem. I also bet you will never be hearing Mr. Grey order a shrimp salad, probably does not like half-orders either!

More to come from today…

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