Judge Marmaro’s in the Mosk

John J. Nazarian
March 16, 2011

Once again I began my week at the Stanley Mosk and another morning of divorce marathons, and I was not disappointed. My first stop was Judge Marc Marmaro, sworn as a Judge of the Superior Court on August 5, 2010. Judge Marmaro was appointed by none other than Governor Schwarzenegger.

Judge Marmaro was one of the founding partners of Jeffer Mangels Butler & Marmaro and worked more than 28 years with his firm. I had the privilege of working with Judge Marmaro on a case a few years ago through local divorce firm.

This is not the first time I have sat in Judge Marmaros court, Department 83. I stop by on an occasion and watch and listen. As is always the case it takes some time for someone recently appointed to hit their stride. One thing for sure, Judge Marmaro looks the part — you know, that aged look of wisdom. Now there are plenty who have that other look as well, the look of stupidity, this is seldom the case when it comes to judges. The road to a judgeship is nothing short of a bitch! One thing for sure, they are not doing this for the money. What I am seeing is some, not all, come from these big firms and have already banked a small fortune. And this is the crown for some who had an incredible career in law and turn there interest to being a judge. Don’t get me wrong, this is great, and I speak with a sense of admiration for people like Judge Marmaro.

His tone from the bench is of control, but at the same time he is giving those in front of him room to try and explain why they find themselves in front of him. One of the words of wisdom — and a red flag — was when he told the group sitting at the table in front of him, I think that their is clarity in what I expect . Another comment Judge Marmaro made was interesting, I expect orders to be complied with. Well Judge, I have been hanging around the world of divorce a very long time, and one thing I see over and over is how few obey court orders. And not only do they not obey court orders, I seldom see any real clout from the bench toward those who ignore court orders.

We at DesperateExes.com are going to be enjoying this new Judge and wish him well and welcome to Department 83.