
The last few days of this case were almost like an episode of Benny Hill, and I cannot be the only who feels this way…this would have been at least a “hung jury.” I have received dozens of phone calls as to what I feel now as to my being wrong as to...

Christensen Trial: Farewell, Juror #7

Dedication is all I have to say… I was at the Federal Court House with one of my “new best friends”…she always dresses very well and even tossed me a snack once. We got our coffee and took the elevator to the 8th floor. Glaser is there already...

Christensen Trial: Down the Rabbit Hole!

Poor Judge Dale Fischer must be wondering if she slipped into an abyss and is in a land with BIG Bunnies running around wearing even bigger funny hats! And there she sits with her Bench, Robes and Gavel…but it is not…she is in her courtroom and she is very...

Christensen Trial: Closing Arguments

Laurel and Hardy stayed in bed this morning and were not in Dale Fischers court, not today. Let there never be any question that Saunders and Lally are federal prosecutors. Having enjoyed Saunders and Lally gut and dress the Pelican gang, I know when Daniel Saunders...