Pellicano Trial, the Sequel: Terry Christensen

The Pellicano Trial, the Sequel picks up with the case against Terry Christensen, high-powered Hollywood attorney and the ONLY ONE of many Pellicano attorney-clients to be indicted (for allegedly paying the Pelican 100,000 sardines to wiretap Lisa Kerkorian, ex of his...

May I approach the Bench about the bench?

No wonder I am becoming a little cranky, I roam from court to court and the benches are not meant for comfort….why is that? The judges look comfortable, and the bailiff with his or her coffee looks very comfortable, and the court staff all look very content on...


These children — Alex, Zaven and Greg Silah — have been missing since July 3, 2008. They were last seen at their fathers’ home in the Westchester area of Los Angeles, 7371 81st St., Los Angeles, CA 90045. They are believed to have been abducted by...

Update on the abduction of Greg, Alex and Zaven

OnStar was contacted by Sgt. Vahak Mardikian with the Glendale Police Department, Glendale, California, thanks to Detective John Balian, also of the Glendale PD, who heard our request for help and brought in Sgt. Mardikian. The good sarge listened to us and knew what...