Samantha F. Spector, Lawyer, Speaking in Tongues at the Mosk!

John J. Nazarian
October 1, 2024

Who do I see in court the other day, September 26, 2024 if not Samantha F. Spector, I will be dammed why Spector wears black all the time? I wore black a lot when I was an embalmer. I actually looked fabulous. For a moment I was phasing out, I thought I was back in Montana and a cattle truck had busted open on the highway! I was thinking that perhaps a few ‘heifers’ had run through a rack of discounted rags and one was right in front of me! Now, of course, I understand that black makes you look thinner, never worked for me; something about being naturally sexy in my case however. In this case IF Spector had a friend or even better, a real mirror this poor ‘wanna be/poser’ needs to have a coming to Jesus moment, that if it was raining, from where we stood, she would need ‘mud flaps’, those ones that go all the way across the rear of your rig.

Trying to be or look like Lisa Helfend Meyer in Spector’s case ain’t working at all, you need to be careful what you are stuffing into that Banana Holster of yours! Lisa for all her warts, in fact has the frame and stature to wear designer clothing, this is a fact! Still one of the great dressed lawyers in town. Unfortunately, for Spector wearing designer clothes or knock offs always ends up looking like an ill fitting car cover, nothing can cover that big rear flap. Ever seen two pigs fighting in a burlap bag…..? Just my personal observations over the years, love pigs!

We were all actually wondering where was her grandmother, Lisa Helfend Meyer?! You seldom ever see Lisa without her little investment. Not to be short sighted, you can always tell (which one is which) as the two walk down the hallway of the Mosk. “O’l Mud Flap,” Spector on one side and Lisa Helfend Meyer on the other. You cannot miss it, similar to observing a ‘Taquito’ and a ‘Double Stuffed Bean Burrito’ strolling joyfully down the hall of The Mosk. Even when I squint it just gets bigger!

Spector is representing Lawrence Shuman, that entertainment executive. The only question I have is, how? This is a very interesting story for sure, looking at all the material on line, even Cary Goldstein is involved. Cary and I have been friends for almost 30 plus years, he is the current king of palimony. The two of us went to Marvin Mitchelson’s funeral at Hillside together. Side Note; Marvin is entombed very close to the King of Television, Milton Berle, just in the cheap seats.

Lawrence Shuman must have a big fat wallet for that “Stuffed Burrito” AKA: Samantha Spector, to have hooked him as her next meal, bitch can eat when someone else is paying. My question is, how the hell did Shuman end up with such a hack as is Samantha Spector?? Lets give Spector some credit here, she loves getting her photo taken (for those who have a wide angle lens). Is it possible that that is how Shuman found “O’l Mud Flap”? I hope Shuman makes better decisions in the running of his agency. Someone should tug on his suit and whisper that he is getting played by one of the worse DIVORCE lawyers in the United States of America. One of his other lawyers is none other than, Patricia Glaser, Esq., now that is as powerful gal. I am familiar with Ms. Glaser, she is likely one of the most feared in her field. An incredible merchant of the law. Imagine, Glaser on one side and Samantha Spector? Similar to comparing a thoroughbred and a pack mule, what was Shuman thinking?

Again, how the hell did Samantha Spector get out of the kitchen without bringing that ‘old goat,’ Lisa Helfend Meyer, how will Spector speak? Generally when Lisa Helfend Meyer is present Spector turns into a lamp shade. Well, Spector did speak and almost never did she shut up. While Mirka Royston, Esq. was addressing the court it was almost like watching some ill dressed homeless person with Tourette Syndrome……. Samantha Spector was moaning and gurgling! Once in awhile the noise almost sounded like words…. Judge William Weinberger was looking more like a speech therapist than a sitting jurist. Not that I ever watch porn, the noise sounded as if someone’s sex toy had short circuited in a very dark dry place, I swear!

Another thought has crossed my mind as I reflect on that day, had Samantha Spector converted to charismatic Christianity? Could that noise that was being blurted out of ‘O’l Mud Flaps’ be Spector attempting to speak in glossolalia/tongues? One of the most incredible events to take place in a courtroom that I had ever witnessed in my 33 years! Imagine, Spector speaking in “tongues”!

Royston is representing the former wife and the mother of his daughter, Rebekah Shuman and I don’t envy anyone going up against this seasoned lawyer. Royston was one of Sorrell Trope’s go to lawyers when Trope and Trope was up and running. I have met Mirka Royston, Lawyer many many times through my career, very level handed and knows the world of DIVORCE backwards and forwards. Again, ‘Pack Mule’ vs a thoroughbred, to be very honest Samantha Spector it would seem has tried to copy ALL the firms a little bit that she was associated with through the years. Always on the hunt for the next port in her incompetent attempts to practice her version of DIVORCE law.

Her biggest influence has been Lisa Helfend Meyer. I even recall the horrible times that I had when I worked with Spector under her tutelage with Lisa Helfend Meyer. Those days she was pretty much sucking the exhaust pipe of Lisa’s chauffeured car, not sure what she learned due to (chapped lips?) to the way she speaks today and those hilarious outfits she enjoys wearing? Lisa Helfend Meyer is a very competent lawyer that no one likes and Meyer is ok with that. Spector is equally disliked due to her being a silly twit. ‘O’l Mud Flap’ will never be a Lisa Helfend Meyer, no matter how hard she sucks…… again, just my humble opinion, got some chap stick?

Update: It would appear that the court reporter on this day was not impressed with Spector’s silly antics, “I am not your private secretary.” I swear, I could not make this stuff up….. look up the word CHEAP in the Websters and you will likely see a picture of ‘O’l Mud Flap’. It was shared that one time a group (we won’t mention) went into Louis Vuitton to do some light shopping, Samantha Spector looked as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs….. just cheap. She loves keeping those who work for her on the “wait chain,” when it comes to getting paid. In my case Lisa Helfend Meyer ended up paying my bill. Again, not the style of the “Goat”!

Till next time, stand by for more from Department 22 at The Stanley! Our investigators are looking at this case much closer as it is always fun to watch what Samantha F. Spector is up to…. nothing more fun than public records. Another oddity is that Lawrence Shuman was represented by Grace Jamra, another powerful lawyer and now this?