Pellicano Trial: Things That Make You Go “Hmmm”

John J. Nazarian
March 18, 2008

The Pellicano trial escapades are “dark” today and will rev-up in the morning, and after a three day break we are all ready for some stuff! And that will be Lily LeMaster’s job, and if she fails to entertain then we will have Linda Doucett, Garry Shandling’s former girlfriend.

J. Edgar HooverAn item I am having a problem with is this: I love this country and all that it stands for, I am a U.S. Navy Veteran, I was a cop and enforced the laws of this country and do believe in what we as a country fight for! However, why is it that I have so much difficulty in believing that the F.B.I. could not break the codes and get into the Pellicano computers? Now, there are some local and state police agencies that are not “fond” of some of these Federal Agencies and give them nicknames such as: F.B.I. = Famous for Being Incompetent! J. Edgar Hoover in my book was one of the best law officers that ever lived, and in saying that we are in a different time in the world and have a whole new set of rules to play by and this has hit all levels of law enforcement for sure!

Not one but several of my sources have asked me if I believe that this country could not get into Pellicano’s computers? Meaning the Feds could not get into Pellicano’s computers. Several people have mentioned that it was their thinking that maybe, just maybe the United States Government and the F.B.I. did not want what was on those computers made public. This may well become part of the folklore surrounding this case and the movie that is sure to follow! Was there data on those computers that the government did not want discovered? I am not sure…is it possible, absolutely! Just as when I was a kid wondering about those damn flying saucers that everyone is convinced exist, this will be one of those things to consider and we may never find out the truth either way.

Pellicano has been sitting in that cell and in Federal custody for a very long time and may never get out. What is he thinking? Each day this trial goes on more and more of his business is becoming public. I can tell from watching him that this is eating at his very soul! He loved the secrecy and the “Omerta” bullshit and for all of this to be made public has to be eating him from the inside out. Don’t get me wrong, he has the best game face I have ever seen! Just like that wizard from Oz when they pulled the curtain. And this little man moving all the levers and blowing smoke is discovered and here we have Mr. Pellicano, a Boogey Man, a Mafioso, a Bully, when in fact he was nothing more other than Anthony Pellicano, just another guy! Or was he the government’s guy in handling assignments that they could not? We have heard how friendly he was with the FBI guys, including pizza parties, sharing audio expertise, etc. It would appear that Anthony himself is not going to be forthcoming about whether there was anything more to it than slices of pie, even to help himself. But each day that passes more and more people are coming to court and spilling their guts.

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