Pellicano Trial: Daddy’s Little Girl

John J. Nazarian
March 13, 2008

Virtue and PellicanoThe other day it was reavealed that Mr. Pellicano the “Rampaging Pelican” would require all of his employees to come into his office and give him a “hug and a kiss” prior to leaving for the day…Sweet is it not? I am so very happy that I was not working in that office! However with that being said, I am sure that “daddy” could not wait for the end of the day to say “Good Night” to Tarita…Ouch!

The “Daddy” thing is important as during Pellicano’s cross of his associate Ms. Virtue, we constantly hear, “Biggest betrayal a daughter could do,” “Like a daughter,” “like a father”…I was sooo ready to puke! This was such BS! And the tears, all we needed was for Anthony to start crying and then the prosecution and the defense team to begin weeping and it would have turned into a hug fest! Virtue was sobbing and Anthony was very soft-spoken…but he did not have me fooled, he wanted to choke the life right out of her! While crying she states, “I was so scared of you retaliating” when she found out that he had the grand jury transcripts — she sounded like James Brown, when she did the “please, please” and all the Pelican did was stand there and fluff his feathers, almost like he had swallowed a bony fish! And at one point this was so hurtful, “Anthony” as he was known to Tarita Virtue said, “I need a moment myself”…was he tearing up? No, he was composing himself, like a guy with his hand on the pull cord of a guillotine. Hello! From the way this is going he might have several million moments to himself.

Pellicano is representing himself, and the Government and the Court are being sooooo patient that it is nothing less than amazing. They are very likable. But he is not getting what he needs and his fumbling and stuttering is not working well! It is painful to watch and the Defense attorneys are looking frustrated in watching him floundering. And again, this is sad, as he should have kept his lawyer, he had a great one!

It was revealed that Tarita’s initial interview with the F.B.I. took two days, January 28-29, 2003. Happy New Year! Virtue tells us that when she was moving her car and the gate opened, that is when the two suits walked up to her and said, “can we talk to you,” flopping that BIG FEDERAL BADGE! And did she sing…if I close my eyes, I can almost see Kate Smith letting it rip with God Bless America! And all the while afterwards she was sending “loving faxes” to her old boss, and when asked about this she sniffles and tells Anthony, “I wanted you to think I would be loyal – I was protecting myself.” Yup, that is what she was doing alright, protecting herself!

When Anthony in his very softest voice asked Tarita, “would I threaten to kill you?” that little brat, ungrateful daughter answered as clear as a bell, “you did!” Tarita stated that her father received a call from Anthony Pellicano threatening her life. To the point that two Special Agents moved her to the Holiday Inn off the 405 freeway, by Sunset Boulevard, for protection. Isn’t the number one rule when questioning a witness in court, “Don’t ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to?”! At one point Virtue was asked if she wanted to be a Private Investigator still and she said “No,” as if that was not going to happen! LMAO…hell, girlfriend would be perfect! Maybe in a few months she could be the President of CALI! I would vote for her…but, oh yeah, I am not a member.

And the work that Pellicano was doing for the Gambino Family, Anthony claims that he was working for the Phoenix Police Department!! Holy shit — pass the linguine and clams and Guido get my gun, we are going to go hunt a bird! It was at one point reported that the F.B.I. was conducting surveillance of the Pellicano Investigative Agency. It turns out one of the F.B.I. agents starts more than surveilling one of Pellicano’s employees from a distance. The F.B.I. agent boyfriend actually TELLS his Pellicano insider girlfriend of the surveillance, and tells her that Pellicano had a nice “pink shirt” as proof that they were watching him! I am not sure, but I bet that there will be a very unhappy “Special Agent” now that his bosses are hearing his pillow talk.

This little waltz between Anthony and his “daughter” went on for what seemed like hours…Painful, agonizing, him fumbling for the right way to ask a question and her playing the victim. Was she a victim? I think that she was, but a very willing one! At one point Tarita fled to Florida and when asked by Anthony who she stayed with she said in a loud and clear voice, “I don’t want to tell you!” Then Anthony, not missing a step and being a concerned “daddy,” told his once loving daughter that “You have a guilt problem about testifying.” Judge Fischer raised her voice and said, “Mr. Pellicano!!!” and then Anthony responded,”Isn’t this all about guilt and betrayal?”! I would have sworn that I smelled a strong odor of garlic wafting through the court!

Well, it was all soft-spoken from the Pelican…but when he was asking about Virtue stealing “zip drives” from the office you could hear the frustration and menace as Anthony was questioning his little girl as to why she had sooo Fucked Daddy! “You gave zip drives to the F.B.I.???” We were seeing a flash of the old Anthony Pellicano, the one many of us grew to love, and when I closed my eyes I could see Tarita’s pretty little head in a big wood vice, whimpering, “Daddy, its too tight!”

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