It’s Time to Make Commissioner Gordon a Judge!

February 26, 2009

Commissioner Scott GordonTime has really come to go the next step, let’s all support the effort to get Commissioner Scott M. Gordon to be appointed JUDGE! Now I know that governor has been real busy with trying to keep the state afloat, now that was an achievement. All I am asking, as well as many many supporters of, is for the “Commish” to be appointed “Judge.” It even sounds right folks, “Judge Scott M. Gordon.”

Commissioner Gordon is one of those people who has done it all and done it well at every level. Los Angeles County District Attorneys office for 16 years, and while at the D.A.s office he was the go-to guy! Central Trials, Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Division, Stuart House, Special Investigations and the Stalking and Threat Assessment Team. With Commissioner Gordon I worked a stalking case that received national attention at the time, and with Gordon and the L.A.P.D. Threat Management Unit, life was easy for me! He handled it all and when the stalker was released, Scott Gordon kept his promise and that stalker was Sicily-bound, never to return to the U.S.

Scott Gordon has served as an Adjunct Professor at Southwestern University School of Law for the past 18 years! He has taught family law, community property, trial advocacy, advanced criminal procedure, forensics evidence and the criminal response to terrorism seminar. You know the county should be hoping that other areas of the state don’t make him an offer. Looking at the credentials, you can just imagine those who stumbled before him trying to “play games.” It is too bad that judges are not forced to put out their backgrounds and education for all to see, along with an appropriate warning. You know something like, beware all liars as you enter these doors”…

Commissioner Gordon also served as a legal expert for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague, Netherlands. And I swear this is all true, I am not making any of this up, he even wrote a book, Shadow Enemies: Hitlers Secret Terrorist Plot Against the United States (he had to have taken two weeks on the title alone)! There is not much that I have not seen or done, and I guess it for this reason that I have so much respect for Commissioner Gordon, he is a man’s man.

And it gets even better, Scott Gordon was a Santa Monica Police Officer and Detective for 8 years…the guy does not look that old! Getting him to the next step is something that I am sure the Governor of this great state will see is worthy and make the appointment of judge to Scott Gordon, he has earned it.

He is very compassionate at times — and at other times he reminds those in front of him trying to have a pie fight that it is not happening today in his courtroom. I have watched and listened to many of these judges through the years at Stanley Mosk and I have my favorites. I have also watched some that I often wonder if there is a disconnect between the mind and the lips as to what decisions they make. At the end of the day, it is the Judges and Commissioners in family law courts who make the decisions and protect people the best they can. That is our system of justice, if there is such a thing in divorce. Commissioner Gordon is one who always takes the extra step to assure he is moving in the right direction, and with his background you can understand clearly that he does know what is best! And welcome to Department 88…

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