Comment Policy

September 2, 2008

Comments Bubble gets many comments on what I report and my thoughts on divorce and related issues. I welcome your opinions and ideas and criticisms whether you agree with me or not, makes things interesting! But we do not post comments that consist of name-calling and rumors. We get some very nasty little “notes” from adversaries of some of the lawyers who I name in the course of my reporting…we will not post those comments, it is just that simple. So for all of you who don’t see your comments posted, please keep then coming in with whatever you want to share, but also understand that the only one that gets to be nasty is me…and I am severely monitored!

I will confess to being a little biased as there are certain lawyers that I have been friends with for many years and I will always respect. I was friends with them many years before came into existence as the “go-to site” for women thinking of pulling the pin. These lawyers have helped to keep a roof over my head and food on our table by enlisting our services when the need arises. They have come to my aid when I needed them and I to their aid when they needed me. For the rest of you…as I was once told by a very good friend of mine, Robert M. Cohen, a divorce lawyer in Century City You cannot work for everyone…and you know hes right, as he often is, and besides if that was the case who would I write about?!

Most of what I see, hear and witness in the course of my business will never be written about, it’s personal and private and nobody’s business. My intention with is to share my general knowledge and experience in ways that will be helpful to those going through divorce and related issues.

The Pellicano and Terry Christensen trials were very relevant to me and to my readers. I had several of my clients whose names came up during the trials and that I was involved with over the years with Anthony and his crew (the receiving end of his bullshit). I would like to believe that some of my efforts at the time slowed Anthonys role a little bit, but I will never know.