The Pellicano Letters

September 15, 2008

Letter from Pellicano to Nazarian, page 1 Letter from Pellicano to Nazarian, page 2 Pellicano Power of Attorney document Click on thumbnails to enlarge

Over the last year or so I was interviewed by Marty Lasden, the editor of California Lawyer Magazine, who did a huge story on Pellicano and an even larger photo lay out of me (the best part of Martys story!). And through the months I have spoken to numerous news agencies and given them my insights about P.I.s and the Pelican. And I told all of them of my encounters with Anthony Pellicano and his reign of bullshit. I even told a few that I had received a letter advising me, as only Anthony could do, that I was to do this and that and this…LMAO. I was told that at one time he told a very famous boxer that I was an extortionist and this kid believed him for awhile…now this is real funny looking back, comparing what Pellicano did and what I do (thank god this same boxer surrounds himself with great investment people for good advice, and not the big Goombah). Oh sure, I have had my issues with people and places, and you know what? It comes with the territory…like my daddy always told me, when you run across a cow field you are going to step in shit….and he was right! I have even been accused of using a police Captain’s business card on my dash for parking at the court house…hogwash, at the time the guy was a Lt.

Anyways, talking about cops, my good friend Bobby Jakucs (ret. L.A.P.D. Detective) sends me an envelope the other day and what is in it? Copies of the letters that the Ol’ Pelican sent me back in 1997…I could not believe my eyes, there they were. The original was given to my lawyer back then and I am not even sure she practices law anymore…we all should hope that she doesnt anyway! Well, I had sent this “crapagram” to Bobby to look at and see what he thought about the content and text. It was amazing to think that someone would give him such access. And when you read it you too will see how outrageous this was…that was in 1997!

I keep hearing from many of the victims of Pellicano asking “who will fill the void?” For the most part I keep hearing my name, and in saying that I still feel that a few of Anthonys lawyers and I would not play well…LMAO! I already met Danny Davis and that encounter was not a good one, and if I never see him again it will be too soon! As for the others, who knows. The void? There is no void, criminals are criminals and private investigators are not criminals, and thus there is no void to fill.

Well, enjoy these Pellicano letters, documenting that he and I knew each other going back to at least 1997. The issue involved a disgruntled client who had hired him to come after me (Gun v Baseball Bat)…her husband was Anthony’s accountant. After three or four years this very same client contacted us to engage my services again…go figure. You know on second thought, maybe she got a good gander at his bill for coming after me…I swear, I could not make this stuff up.