The Hope Chest, part one

Alright, listen up girlfriend, I am going to tell you about the “Hope Chest!” Yes dear, the Hope Chest…and I hope you won’t need to use it, BUT…you will more likely than not! When I was growing up, the traditional “Hope Chest”...

John’s Rate-a-Lawyer: Soodik

I’ve been swamped with “what about” this lawyer, or that one. I will get to all the players in the next few months, trust me! One that comes to mind like a bowel obstruction is my “old” friend, Lynn Soodik. She got mentioned in my story...

John’s Rate-a-Judge: Mark Juhas

On Monday, I had the opportunity to sit in the courtroom of Judge Mark A. Juhas, L.A. Superior Court, Dept. 43. Are we just lucky to have judges at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse who all seem so compassionate as this group? I have yet to find a judge who is not a little...