The other day I was in court and as I was walking down the corridor, I saw this large black object. Stranger yet, it would appear that it was following my friend Patrick DeCarolis of Trope and DeCarolis, one if this city’s high-profile boutique divorce firms. As I have grown older I have had what is called “floaters” in my eyes (they come and go as people age) and I thought maybe this was a bad one as this big black object was still within my sight!
As I walked closer I realized that what Mr. DeCarolis had in tow was the largest black legal briefcase on wheels that I had ever seen. Don’t get me wrong, it is very nice but BIG. This also looks like one of those magic boxes that magicians use. Hell, I am thinking with the right lighting someone could pull rabbits, ducks and even maybe a monkey or two out of a trap door in this thing. Or, what you might see musicians using to carry equipment at a Willie Nelson concert…Hmmm a little larger it would need taillights. Patrick made the comment that several lawyers had mentioned how nice it was. These cases are important for busy lawyers such as Mr. DeCarolis, having numerous hearings and lots of clients it is important that he have all the files and papers on each case. And it has to be organized and to do this a large carrier is needed.
Always thinking, I told him that the manufacturer should partition off a section for keeping this cool. A couple bottles of water, a sandwich and it could be done with dry ice and this thing is so big it would be no big deal. I should like to note that Patrick DeCarolis is a graduate of the Sorrell Trope school of well-dressed lawyers. Mr. DeCarolis was with Trope & Trope for many years and always looks the part of a successful lawyer, nice suit, great tie and shoes shined. As we further discussed the box, I said to Patrick that with this trunk on wheels and a good cell phone he could almost set an office up
in one of the hallways of the courthouse…and thank god, I did not have a “floater.”
Note: Some of the finest lawyers in this town got their starts with Trope and Trope and more often than not, male or female these former associates and partners are always very well-dressed. Well for one reason they had a great teacher, Sorrell Trope himself!