Quiet Please…Mr. Sacks Is Sleeping!

Well Well Well, the sign above Adam M. Sacks says it all…he gives a whole new meaning to being “in the sack”…”Mr. Sacks is in the sack”…LMAO Now in all fairness, we have all been in court and have seen what looked like...

About that Thing following Patrick DeCarolis

The other day I was in court and as I was walking down the corridor, I saw this large black object. Stranger yet, it would appear that it was following my friend Patrick DeCarolis of Trope and DeCarolis, one if this city’s high-profile boutique divorce firms. As...

Restraining order for foul mouth?!

NEWS FLASH A Los Angeles Superior Court Judge issued a permanent restraining order on behalf of a woman who testified that she had NO FEAR, zilch, nada. Sleeps like a baby and has a relatively fair yet sometimes grumpy relationship with Mr. X. Mrs. X was very clear...

The Ted Baxter of the Courtroom

Douglas A. Bagby, I have never heard of this guy till today! Mr. Bagby was doing divorce battle with none other than Michael Trope of Trope and DeCarolis. This was taking place in Judge Rudy Diazs courtroom, Dept. 83. When I walked in there was Mr. Bagby doing what...