Leave it to me to get an opportunity to meet and speak with a restauranteur and owner of a restaurant that I had ‘an issue’ with. Since spending time here in Montana, I have made some new friends and a few of them (The Crew on The Vibe airing on KSKY) happened to be good friends with Kenny Rakstad and one in particular a restaurant owner himself, Tucker Veltkamp thought Kenny and I should meet on his radio show, The Vibe! Not only meet, but to discuss the issues of what we experienced at his restaurant the Copper Onion and to hear Kenny’s thoughts…. great idea!

It is never, ever my intent to hurt anyone in the course of what I write or my thoughts on the restaurants that I visit and eat at. Just the honest truth at the time of my dining experience and my thoughts, good or bad as to what I am stuffing into my face.
However after meeting with Kenny Rakstad and hearing his story of how he has busted his backside his entire life to achieve what he has built in Billings, Montana. Kenny’s continuing goal of being a world champion Chef and to build his restaurant -it was after speaking to Kenny that I had a coming to Jesus moment! The Copper Onion will be around as long as Kenny Rakstad has a breath in his body!
I was told prior to meeting him that the guy is in fact a “ Grinder!” After talking to him on the show, I think I maybe a fan. I respect self made people and if possible, a license plate is available that it is written GRINDER, this guy should have it on his truck. (7 Digits) People who get up everyday and make things happen, and this guy is one of those. I have not a question in my mind on this. Again, it was not my intention to offend this man’s life work, Kenny Rakstad is in fact the real deal and what I experienced on 10/22/24 was something that had slipped out of the kitchen. We will be back and I am sure all will be better…….
Yes, we had a bad experience, and I am going to go backwards here and say that we will go again. ** Noting we had 2 good experiences in the past and maybe our future “singer” aka the server was a little slow on the ‘upbeat’ and yes maybe there was a mistake and I think that when we return we will get ‘hot fries’. Maybe if the ‘Singer’ aka the server knew I worked for Mr. Sinatra, I was Miss Peggy Lee’s personal bodyguard and I have traveled the world with Paul Anka I would have had better luck? All of what I have written here, this is royalty from the world of singers and song books. Or what if this little darling has never heard of any of these people, what will I do? What I will do is trust Kenny Rakstad and his lifetime of cooking and building a reputation of serving up great food.

Thanks to Tucker, Stephen, Tribe and The Future King of Hawaiian Beverages! KSKY 94.1 be sure to tune in!