The Honorable Judge Stinn, Return the Eggplant, Forthwith!!!!

John J. Nazarian
March 10, 2025

Here comes the judges, Here comes the judges and you better have a big weenie or when you smile your teeth fold back….. if you have been abused as a female litigant in anyway by a human with a penis….. you may want to consider this! You have to be polite, hair in an appropriate style and dressed to an appropriate attire, don’t dress like a slut when in front of these two! Remember these two like dick and I am not talking about “Dick and Jane.” When you feel you can interject yourself (over your lawyers request to remain quiet) ask Judge Stinn or Judge Wayser if they would like a case of cucumbers or bananas?

I have a policy and I swear by it, my name is on what I write and or any document. These two Clowns KNOW NOTHING ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, ZERO! ZILCH! And for a female this is just about as bad as it gets. Not could you get one of these embarrassments to the bench, you might get them both!

A nice thick cucumber or perhaps a good thick banana with an appropriate condom might give these too fools some “me time” a well deserved break during private hours. Perhaps this might improve their miserable and pompous disposition, some bench officers develop. Now, I am not trying to be rude here. The response on our previous article as to ingesting a good big wiener was outrageous!

I can recall with vivid detail the night I had to escort a female state prison inmate to Riverside General Hospital’s ER. Obviously, it was in Riverside County and I was coming from the California Institution for Women in Frontera, California. Back in those days it was the only women’s prison in this communist state known as California. It was in the wee hours of the night, cold and damp and the smell of cow shit was everywhere, this was the place in those days that they built prisons. These two female inmates decided to play ‘daddy and mommy’ and for one to bury a cucumber into the receiver of her little girlfriend’s vagina! This is a very true story, I was there. I guess interesting for some. Keeping the peace in a female prison even as a male you get to see a lifetime of ‘pussy’ in a matter of months.

‘It was obvious the ‘butch’ female of the two’ got carried away with a cucumber while locked down for the night with passion and full speed ahead. ** Even after a a few years I had to remind myself that all of these inmates were FEMALE! Even though many looked more manly than some of the guards present to keep the peace** Well, the damn cucumber broke off inside her vaginal canal and it was total chaos as they called for the CO on duty. The hooting and hollering that took place that night from the other female inmates was as hilarious as this poor girl (Convict if you will) trying to walk to the S&E cart. No matter what the prison nurse tried that cucumber was just impossible to get out, natural suction was at work! Nurse Whitehead, I loved that old gal and she was as funny, as funny as you get in a prison hospital, and at the same time very compassionate

Unlike Dickhead #1 and Dickhead #2. These two Black robed dummies have zero compassion and I have heard all the stories from their fans of ‘the good’ they do…. just not while warming a chair on the bench and they both need to get a good case of remediation on exactly what DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is…. Stinn is as lame as they come when discussing anything DV! Stinn is not very bright either as to his thought on what a rape is and the process a women should go through to confirm one even happened! One of our readers shared an encounter with Stinn and it was as expected, cold and no compassion from the bench!

So, back to the lost cucumber, I was the Sgt. on duty for transporting prisoners outside of the security area (aka Prison) and I and my partner Sondra White (Sgt. at San Quentin “Q” ) took the poor girl to the ER. *** The theft of oranges and vegetables from the kitchen is an age old tradition in all jails and state prisons across this nation. Well, on this day it was a cucumber that got me 8 hours of overtime, of course the doctors got the cucumber out of the girls vagina. Funny to some degree that if I could find those doctors and see if they could help get Stinn and Wayser’s heads out of the asses? Most dangerous evening meal to supervise is chicken, can you guess why?

It was a good month before I had any cucumbers in my green salads. Now for men, that damn rectal cavity is a whole lot tighter than that of a vagina, SOMETIMES. Now in saying that, Old Judge Stinn looks as if he could handle a big eggplant (narrow end first no matter how big an asshole he appears to be) with the puss he has on most days. Now tell me that does not bring up a funny visual? Old Judge Stinn sitting on a big deep purple eggplant and the damn thing disappears up the old poop shoot, Poof! Get me my horse and a real cold Coors, with that thought this old cowboy is scooting. Taking this visual and transferring it to print, could even be a wonderful Judicial Christmas Card from the Stanley, titled Merry Christmas and go fuck yourself!

Note: As I have stated dozens of times, I have to be fair here, and I do have a very pleasant comment from a highly respected member of of the BAR. R. Michael Collum, Esquire is one of the best DIVORCE lawyers you will find in America today. Having known Michael from the early days of his practice, and a man who keeps things on track with little bullshit.

Michael was telling me recently that he had a great experience in front of Wayser…. one of the two dickheads who sit in DIVORCE court. Michael went on to tell me that Wayser was well briefed on the case and made the right decisions throughout the entire case. Michael represented the female component of this DIVORCE……. I could be wrong, however, I don’t think so. However to be fair, having heard what Michael told me I thought it only fair to mention it as I reflect on Big Fat Purple Eggplants!