Y’all come back now, ya hear!

May 30, 2009

Anytime someone reads one of my “editorial” pieces and feels that I am off from the center please contact us. If you think that I have been unfair or that I am wrong, I will review what I have written and perhaps make a change. My “editorials” are my thoughts and it is true that I lean towards the issues facing women in the process of divorce. I am also more often than not more sympathetic to the females in these cases as it is often they who get screwed. Like it or not, that is what I have found over the last 18 years. And people do “lie” while sitting in the box next to judges as they testify to the facts as they believe that they are or should be. Everyone does not tell the truth all the time if it can be helpful in screwing over the former love of one’s life…aka the “X,” especially if it will save them a few hundred a month or a few million over the years, THEY ALL DO IT!

Everyone has things that they wish they could change or hide and at times it slips out and you can never ever put the top back on “Pandoras box.” And sometimes little things can snowball into an avalanche of crap that everyone will regret in time.

And I do change my mind on issues that I thought were correct when I wrote or spoke about them. Over time I realize I was close to seeing the truth on an issue and I was wrong, my daddy always told me “it is a big man who can admit he is wrong.” And I have been wrong in some of my editorials and comments…Debra Opri, Esq. I think that I may have gotten wrong, as to what was a big news story a few years ago and I am going to rethink my position in reference to Ms. Opri. Judy Bogen, Esq. too is going to get another review in the weeks and months to come to clarify previous “thoughts.” I do think that I may owe Alec Baldwin an apology. Larry Birkhead is on the list of things to do and will be coming up soon…we are waiting for a new tell-all book to be released real soon. At some time I will go even deeper into the Anna Nicole Smith story as to my thoughts. Virgie Arthur will be featured in a few of my stories and I am hoping to get an interview with her, she was Annas mother and is Dannielynns grandmother. I made a couple of sarcastic remarks in the past in reference to Ms. Arthur and I apologize. The “Texas Team” that has kicked some serious ass in the courts and regained a great deal of ground in all things Anna Nicole will also be a subject of some thoughts. Hell I cannot be bitter that “Team Texas” beat us at almost every turn, is that not what this is all about? They said that they would do certain things and they kept their word.

And again, anyone can contact us as to my “editorials” and my “thoughts,” you just have to make sure that your broom closet is clean…and by all means throw big rocks at me if that pleases you and we will do our best to throw a few back…and ah shucks, some of y’all are public figures and that makes ya a bigger target than some working person who minds their own business and keeps their clothes on! LMAO, stay tuned folks.