For the last several months we have heard the name Daniel J. Paletz, Lawyer and most of the comments are less than admirable. Now when I hear bad stuff about lawyers it is almost always expected commentary. After all they are lawyers and it is their jobs to make mole hills into mountains, for those big bucks you are going to pay them, to weave their nonsense! To be fair, are the comments due to ‘bad lawyering’? Or is it because the lawyer in question is a ‘Prolapsed Hemorrhoid,’ these itchy S.O.B.s are the ones that will leave you with a stinky finger. Unfortunately, in this case, Daniel J. Paletz is that ‘itchy roid’ and he is happy to be such! I can recall my years as an embalmer and seeing these things hanging out of the rectal area of some of the deceased, like grapes. Had to be just terrible to wake up everyday with a DIVORCE lawyer hanging out of your ass!
Daniel J. Paletz is the managing partner of Kermisch & Paletz LLP, this group has a nice little office in a nondescript building on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City, California. For many, one of the last places you would look for a DIVORCE lawyer, the valley is bad enough, Studio City even worse. Daniel has an admirable background as a teacher and was and still has a powerful reputation as a debate coach. Daniel has given a great deal of time to the low income communities and does so Pro Bono…. one thing we can agree on is that Daniel J. Paletz being a burr under your saddle is something he takes pleasure in. Just look at the guy, with those looks he had to be good at something and if not at least a total pain in your ass. I certainly get it.
Just a little advice, it might be a good idea to hire a professional photographer for all your future company advertising, seriously. The photo of the four lawyers on their website looks to be out of central casting. “The Adams Family” are opening a law office in the valley!? Not to be unfriendly, what is that on the head of one of the lawyers, it looks hungry! Daniel J. Paletz has been described by a few as a cross between Kermit the Frog and the GEICO Gecko…. it would appear he has a few characteristics similar to mine, absolutely adorable!
The other characteristic of Paletz is that he is the King of throwing mud at other lawyers in his bombastic attempt to present a case in court. Danny Boy shows absolutely no respect when interacting with opposing counsel to the point one must wonder, is he as smart as he is supposed to be. Being such an intolerable hemorrhoid is bad enough, however, when is enough enough? Maybe a fun personal license plate for this little ‘Flappy Eared Lizard’ could be, ROID! Sure,
ROID Esq.!
Another interesting “story” is one where Daniel J. Paletz has made comments that the Honorable Kenneth A. Black, Ret. had asked Daniel J. Plaetz for advice! The only words that come to my mind is BULLSHIT! IF, I was in the same building that Judge Black was in, he would track me down and we would shake hands and hug! FACT! I was not on the same level as some, however, as a non lawyer Judge Black and I were friends. I spoke to Judge Black several days prior to his death on May 11, 2016. Not in my wildest dreams could I ever imagine an interaction between Paletz and Judge Ken Black, maybe, ‘why do you dress so strangely?’ Asked by the Honorable one…. When you see, “Rock Star of Family Law” that title was given to Judge Black, BY ME!!!! And Judge Black thought that was one of the coolest titles ever given to him, and it was given by John J. Nazarian, Editor of DESPERATEEXES.COM. IF, I am wrong on this, please send us a copy of that interaction or if someone witnessed such an exchange we will gladly post it…. maybe.
Frankly, other than having a zero budget for advertising and not dressing well at all, all of them at Kermisch & Paletz having really bad or no hair is beyond embarrassing. Ever watch the old Three Stooges and that hair piece one of them wore, OMG! They should reach out to a someone like Neal Hersh or Lisa Helfend Meyer on how to dress for success, seriously. All four of ‘em could be on a poster for the homeless shelters of America on how not to dress for a job interview. ** just look at the photo from their website ** My dear friend Jose Eber with enough time and money could fix some of this mess they have sitting and growing on their heads and faces. Seriously, whose idea was this photo? My grand kids could have gotten together and made a better photo OUT of skittles.
One comment from the web was, “He is opportunistic and excessively money oriented.” LMAO, this is DIVORCE in Southern California, ‘Money Oriented,’ Call Meyer, Olson, Lowy and Meyers, they check to see if you have enough money before you get in for an interview! Another comment was, ‘He was very polished – knew what to say and how to say it, so I would retain his firm.’ Dummy, what did you think he was going to say, that he fills in for the GEICO Gecko when things get slow? The interview process by DIVORCE lawyers is job one to find out IF you got the money to play! And if you as a potential client for a DIVORCE don’t have the funds…. guess what, you can go play with yourself!